We’ve developed this kit to help you set up a Vespa Club in your own area. There’s a bit of work at the start but it’s easy riding once you are up and running.
Firstly, you need to be organized with a set of rules that defines who you are, what the membership categories mean, and how the club is governed. If you are a small club of under 20 members, and anticipate remaining small, then it’s probably not necessary that you formally incorporate with your State Authority. But you will still need to meet all the requirements of a registered club anyway. Your members also become our members and Piaggio World members, so it’s a requirement that there is a system of representation and accountability for members in place.
Each State has a slightly different set of requirements and procedures to become an Incorporated Association.
So, Step 1: Read the requirements of your State Authority.
ACT . VIC . NSW . QLD . SA . WA . TAS . NT
There’ll be a minimum number of members required to form an Incorporated Association. Eg: 5 in Victoria, 7 in Queensland. This is also the minimum number required at your first meeting.
There’ll be a fee to incorporate which varies from State to State. This will need to be built into your annual membership fee and annual budget. (We find a fee model of $50 for a full member – with a $10 merch welcome kit return – works well for the clubs around Australia, but it’s up to you to set your fee.
Step 2: Draw up a set of rules.
Your State Authority will present you with a set of ‘model’ or ‘draft’ rules. You need to update them to your ‘own rules’ to define who you are and who your members are. It’s a bit of work but worth getting right. OR
Copy the rules of an already existing club in your State. We’ve all already done the work for you. OR
Adapt the VCOM rules provided (in Word here so you can edit and adapt). They have 3 categories of member: Full voting / riding members, Associate non-voting partner / pillion /spouse membership, and also Corporate sponsorship membership. It’s up to you how you structure your membership and your club.
Step 3: Hold a General Meeting of your initial membership.
Generate a set of Minutes. These are legally very important and will be required by your State Authority to register, and your bank to open an account. They should very clearly state.:
Who is in attendance.
A resolve to form your club ‘Vespa Club X’, and to apply to affiliate with Vespa Club Australia.
Adoption of the Rules of your Club (see above)
A resolve for the new Secretary to apply for Incorporation with the relevant State Authority
Setting an annual membership fee for your membership categories.
Election of an initial Committee – being (at least) President, Secretary, and Treasurer – or whatever is required by your State Authority.
A resolve to authorize the Treasurer to open up a bank account in the club’s name with X bank, and nominate the signatories.
Never taken minutes before? Here’s a simple example in word that you can use and adapt.
Step 4: Apply to incorporate with your State Authority.
You’re nearly there! Note that until you are formally incorporareted you won’t be able to establish a bank account. So you’ll have to come up with some interim financial arrangements to collect fees. But you can still now proceed to…
Step 5: Apply to join the Vespa Club of Australia
Well done! By this stage it’s just a formality. Let us know when you’re ready and we’ll send you an application form which is also an agreement on the use of Piaggio trademarks and the representation of the Vespa brand. We’ll invite you to the next VCoA Committee meeting and formally move to affiliate your club.
National fees: We currently charge clubs $1 per member per year, so your fee would be small, and each club contributes a fair per capita amount. Most of the fee money we collect is spent on website costs, and the rest on VCoA merchandise – patches, stickers, badges – and returned to you to distribute to your members.
The Vespa Club cog: The Cog is a registered Piaggio trademark that Vespa Club of Australia and affiliate clubs are permitted to use to identify our association with the Vespa World Club. The important part of the cog is the shape and number of ‘teeth’. Begin work on drawing up a cog logo design and get our Committee approval to publish. Keep the design sharp and simple. We’d recommend you get a local graphic artist to adapt the trademarked club cog.
Once we have your logo finalized, we will formally launch you across Australia, and introduce you to the world as well.
Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance at any time. Welcome to the world of Vespa!